A new place in midtown


You are definitely the man! I am sure that we will all be reading great reviews from Husky about your field trip today. It's a shame that some posters cannot appreciate what you have done. There should be more positive threads rather than the silly arguments that have occupied most of the space the past few days. I just hope that one day soon I can be on the receiving end of something special like that since I prefer the Russian ladies to all other providers. It's a great feeling--introducing or geting introduced. Best of luck and look forward to your next posting.


Thanks. I am kind of curious to see those reviews myself. So far all I can say is that when we were leaving the place both guys looked very happy...lol
As for posting about the places that are hard to get in, in general it is a good question. On the one hand, I am sure that a lot of people will appreciate the info, on the other hand the ones that for some reason would not be able to get in, would certainly get frustrated.
Here is a question for you Jtslade, as well as for all the other fellows:
Suppose I do know about another great place that is restricted, or let's say very difficult to get in, should I post about it or just keep it private?
Often it seems that what ever we do, we'll be pissing somebody off.
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You should definitely post any info that you think is appropriate whether or not the place is easy to get into. I believe that is one of the most important elements of this board--sharing info with fellow hobbyists. The fact that a place is hard to get into is an important piece of info as is the talent, location, tel # etc. You should never feel that you should self censor. Who knows? A place that might be hard for one of us to get into might be easier with some advice or introduction from a fellow member like yourself. I hope to share some new discovery soon. Can't wait to read Husky's and Dieforasian's reports. All I can say is keep on posting!

This is America and we speak English

Originally posted by Thorn
Personal thoughts on the issue at hand.

1) If you find something great and you want to keep it off the radar then do just that. Keep it off the radar by keeping your big fat yap shut.

2) Recognize that by not practicing #1 you are not posting information in the best of intent. What you are doing is a mastabatory experience in written form. Reliving your sexual experience in front of a mirror. That mirror being the combined attention of the members of this forum. You do not post for any other reason, since you have no plans on explaining how to share this experience, other then a big, adolesant, "Na nanny na na! Look what I got that you can't have."

3) Know that it well be perceived that way by others because that is exactly what it is and you will be forever marked as the immature dork you truly are.

4) So, either post and share. Which is fine. Or don't post and don't share which, by the way, is also fine. [You certainly have to right to want to keep a good thing to yourself... but do JUST THAT... keep it to yourself.]


First of all I'd like to thank Thorn for his eloquence. I have tried to deliver the same message to Eugene (aka Yevgeny from Petrograd) and his corny Russkie pal Dork1974. The bottom line is that this board is for the exchange of information about where to get the best deal on pussy, with the least amount of hassle. Sadly, some members feel that this board is a forum where they can brag and boast *without* giving out any real info.

So Yevgeny, shut up or post about Russian Treats. If you can't tell us who the best girls are, what they offered and how much they cost then shut up already. No one wants to hear your bragging anymore. You want to be altruistic? Good, give money to the homeless. Don't start that nonsense about "I take there you". Like I said, follow the subject+verb+object model and your English will improve dramatically. Don't show up here anymore unless you have something to share. So far you've gone to Russian Treats 3 times, right? I don't see any posts about your experiences. I know you're trying to be Big Daddy by showing other kids how it's done but that only works to impress those that are mentally inferior to you. You've been jerking yourself off for a week now about this place. The only thing anyone has learned is that you speak in broken English.

What else you got, you sad excuse for a hobbyist? I'm going to treat you like a bitch until you come correct.

Cyrillic simpleton that you are.

What took you so long? Is your medication taking a long time to work?
By the way you said you could get to the Russian Treats any time you wanted through your Russian pals, so did you? Or is it just your usual bs?
So let's do this I will not inform the site on any other interesting places and will not take any more hobbyists to the Russian treats.
And they will owe it all to you!
How about that? As far as posting something openly on the site for a scumbag like you to use it, don't hold your breath sick mother f...., or better yet do hold your breath, and drop ....
You have just cost a lot of fellows a lot of very useful stuff.
It's fine to attack his refusal to share information, but what's the point of bashing his English? Unfortunately, not everyone here in America speaks good English. In fact, most people communicate horridly.
Re: 3somes

Originally posted by Eugene
By the way you said you could get to the Russian Treats any time you wanted through your Russian pals, so did you?
True. But I refuse to go there until there's a valid reason for me to do so. A convincing argument would be that there's value to be had. So far that argument has not been satisfied.

I've made rash decisions in the past but now I'd like to do more research before I plunk down any cash for strange pussy.

Yevgeny, thanks for a week of laughs. My schedule won't allow me to access the web for the next few days. And it's just as well since the 2 threads you've contributed to lately have been time wasters for me. Try not to get your panties all tangled up.

Like Thorn said:

"So, either post and share. Which is fine. Or don't post and don't share which, by the way, is also fine. [You certainly have to right to want to keep a good thing to yourself... but do JUST THAT... keep it to yourself."

Oh yeah, like I said, only the feeble minded, the disenfranchised and the poorly educated resort to the use of excessive profanity. It just reflects one's ignorance.
3somes(withother 2guys)

Eventually there will be some good reviews of that place...
I'd love to see how a garbage like you will get in. LOL
Drop d... mother f....
Just got out of work...

and I was wondering how my little "make me smile" bitch Yevgeny was doing.

Back to your old Tourette tricks, right?

Here's a bedtime story for those UG kiddies that are still up at this late hour. There once was a Russian guy on this board who singlehandedly tried to undo what the other hundreds of UG members agreed to do; contribute info in good faith on how to get the best pussy at the best price with the least amount of hassle.

So this little Russian cab driver decided that he would try to extort info (he asked for people to pay for his hobbying trips) and he started yelling, throwing a tantrum and all sorts of other kiddie stuff.

The bottom line is that this is America and this board, just like our country is intended to work like a democracy. That's a simple fact that escaped our little Russian cab-driver. Not only did he have the bad manners to ask other UG memeber to pay for his whoring expenses but he tried to out-shout the rest of the members, much like Krushchev tried to do at the United Nations, back during the heyday of the Cold War. I don't know, but I suspect that Yevgeny took his shoe off and banged it on the podium as well.


Sure Nikita.

Btw, Yevgeny, if you need a loan to get your dick sucked maybe I could start a fundraiser for you. After all, us UG members have to stick together, right?

So little Yev, you're just pissed off that you acted like a jerk and I called on it. This board exists for the exchange of information. If you don't abide by the tenets of this board (or if you just pay lip service to them) then you Yevgeny should start your own board.

And I'm not upset at you. I'm just dissapointed that you won't listen to reason. I'm also severly dissapointed that I am not as lucid as that member of UG who goes by the name of Thorn.

Like Thorn said:

"So, either post and share. Which is fine. Or don't post and don't share which, by the way, is also fine. [You certainly have to right to want to keep a good thing to yourself... but do JUST THAT... keep it to yourself."
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Theres lots of Russian chicks around, some free, some not. Although your place sounds great, if its closed to UGsters who want to bang Russian hookers, its pretty easy to find Russian hookers all around the city.

No need for anyone to be disappointed or feel they missed out.
Haggen Daaz chocolate chocolate chip ice cream with caramel and sprinkles.

That's my favorite ice cream........

(for those of you just joining us - Welcome to the Inanity Thread!)

Originally posted by shorty
Haggen Daaz chocolate chocolate chip ice cream with caramel and sprinkles.

That's my favorite ice cream........

Is there a good New Ice Cream Place in Midtown? Apparently I'll be wandering around with not too much to do.