ilike3somes---does nation-bashing really cheer you up?
I may be brand new on this board, I may lack experience, and I certainly have a lot to learn, but it doesn't take too much thinking to realize that "ilike3somes" needs to seek happiness elsewhere in his life.
I would normally refrain from participating in this type of argument at all, but insulting Eugene (who from everything I've read seems to be one of the most consistently polite, helpful, and good humored contributors to this board) and insulting the Russians and "Communist countries" is just uncalled for and sad. The Cold War is over buddy---and just in case you hadn't figured it out, there are people who treat others with respect and kindness.......and people who act like every country and every town, Russian, American, Nigerian, or Kazakh.
And why you gotta knock the Chinese like that? That really pissed me off. I think Chinese people are among the most hospitable, respectful, and downright likeable people on the planet. You sound like you need a visit from some Fujian gangsters.
So that's my 2 cents. I hate to get negative, but your unprovoked russian/chinese bashing attitude demanded a response. As an American, I'm embarrassed by your attitude. I hope we can al stick to the topics, and treat eachother nicely in the future.