I give credit to slinky (and allen) for keeping the board going in spite of being terribly understaffed. It is more work than one, two or three men should have to deal with, especially when money does not flow in equal to the effort put out. It's a difficult juggling act. You can't survive without money. You can't get advertisers without members. You can't keep interest without content.
UG has often been an informative and entertaining board. So, why did I stop posting? In the end, when it's no fun anymore, it's no fun. Perhaps my not posting was an accumulation of many reasons. Part of which was my disagreement with judgments made by the moderator. I know it don't come easy. I am sure some of this was due to his being over-burdened.
I was banned twice. The first ban came after 492 posts, at a point where I feel I had already contributed significantly to many discussions. I was banned, not for breaking the letter of the law, but for being perceived as "trying to get away with something" that I absolutely wasn't trying to do. Yes, that is a webmaster's judgment call, yet I would have thought that after contributing significant CONTENT to the board, my "motives" would not be so quickly judged. And then I was banned again later for giving non service related information. The same type of post about the same person had been done many times before but, all of a sudden, this person was out of favor. I had no way of knowing this. There was no notice anywhere that you could no longer mention this person's gigs. I innocently posted, was banned and again felt my previous contributions were ignored.
Yet my real problem lay in how some others were handled (or actually not handled). I witnessed certain posters who consistently broke the LETTER OF THE LAW and were allowed to get away with it. One last year, was an acid tongued newcomer who chased off several long-time contributors by blatantly breaking rules 2 and 4. Another example this year, a poster, who I used to respect, made a mess of this board. This person stunted discourse, chased off more real contributors and all to the benefit of this person's selfish agenda.
Why was this allowed? Where the people affected of no consequence? Was there too much fun in watching people get bashed and made defensive? I was a regular contributor and I felt I added something to the community, yet I was certainly made to feel unwelcome.
Blatant breaking of rules 2 and 4, suppresses peoples opinions, takes the fun out of posting and makes good people leave.
I was never here to kiss anyone's ass. Maybe I haven't thanked slinky enough for the good things he's done. Maybe so. I do, however, recognize them. I think slinky has done a great job in many ways. I certainly sympathize with the large responsibility he has, but I still feel he should take some responsibility for chasing away me and other significant contributors. Not that slinky has to care. It's his call. It's his board. I'm just sharing my perspective.
UG has often been an informative and entertaining board. So, why did I stop posting? In the end, when it's no fun anymore, it's no fun. Perhaps my not posting was an accumulation of many reasons. Part of which was my disagreement with judgments made by the moderator. I know it don't come easy. I am sure some of this was due to his being over-burdened.
I was banned twice. The first ban came after 492 posts, at a point where I feel I had already contributed significantly to many discussions. I was banned, not for breaking the letter of the law, but for being perceived as "trying to get away with something" that I absolutely wasn't trying to do. Yes, that is a webmaster's judgment call, yet I would have thought that after contributing significant CONTENT to the board, my "motives" would not be so quickly judged. And then I was banned again later for giving non service related information. The same type of post about the same person had been done many times before but, all of a sudden, this person was out of favor. I had no way of knowing this. There was no notice anywhere that you could no longer mention this person's gigs. I innocently posted, was banned and again felt my previous contributions were ignored.
Yet my real problem lay in how some others were handled (or actually not handled). I witnessed certain posters who consistently broke the LETTER OF THE LAW and were allowed to get away with it. One last year, was an acid tongued newcomer who chased off several long-time contributors by blatantly breaking rules 2 and 4. Another example this year, a poster, who I used to respect, made a mess of this board. This person stunted discourse, chased off more real contributors and all to the benefit of this person's selfish agenda.
Why was this allowed? Where the people affected of no consequence? Was there too much fun in watching people get bashed and made defensive? I was a regular contributor and I felt I added something to the community, yet I was certainly made to feel unwelcome.
Blatant breaking of rules 2 and 4, suppresses peoples opinions, takes the fun out of posting and makes good people leave.
I was never here to kiss anyone's ass. Maybe I haven't thanked slinky enough for the good things he's done. Maybe so. I do, however, recognize them. I think slinky has done a great job in many ways. I certainly sympathize with the large responsibility he has, but I still feel he should take some responsibility for chasing away me and other significant contributors. Not that slinky has to care. It's his call. It's his board. I'm just sharing my perspective.