Why do I avoid Missionary postion?

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Kids, don't try this at home
Originally posted by Stitch
There's always been a small party (led by Wwanderer) that believes prostitution is not a monolithic enterprise, but is instead filled with many different kinds of women, some of whom can actually enjoy the job.
The corollary is that there are also many kinds of Johns, including some who can enjoy commercial sex without guilt and are not screwed-up women-hating self-loathing guys skulking around in dirty raincoats.
It was when I discovered that these views are considered radical and implausible by most UG regulars that I first realized what an odd and unusual PMB it is.



homo economicus
Originally posted by BigMadM
My motivation for working was never money either.
But I hated seeing my kids so underweight when there was no food in the house.
I was once talking to a guy who had worked as the controller of a very large Oil & Gas company. After he left the company, he 'retired' by agreeing to be the CFO of a much smaller company. His CEO used to have his job and retained 50% of the responsibilities. His controller had worked for his CEO and grabbed the other 50%. So he had absolutely nothing to do all day, but was paid handsomely. I think many people daydream about such a situation.

He told me that it only took him a few months of this before resigning. He said, "For the first time in my life, I wasn't looking forward to going into work." I think that might have been one of the more powerful sentences I'd ever heard.

I realized then that if you could have a job that you looked forward to going to every single day and you were reasonably competant you were just about guaranteed to be sucessful and were certainly guaranteed to be happy at work.


Thinks he's Caesar's Wife
Originally posted by Wwanderer
It was when I discovered that these views are considered radical and implausible by most UG regulars that I first realized what an odd and unusual PMB it is.
True, but its our odd and unusual PMB
I am coming into this late in the thread, but I think it rather funny that this paralells the banter I had with BigMadM when I was kicking around about 6 months ago.

There are so many analogies that I thought to demonstrate how a girl could enjoy her work as a provider that goes deeper than the lining of her pockets. But there have been a whole heaping lot full here already.

I know there was discussion about the distinguishing of contractual making love vs. making love. But to use the making love, as in with an SO, as the benchmark for comparison in civilian sex is quite the extreme. Casual sex (ex: picking up a guy at the bar) or a genuine mistress are to examples of non-contractual sex that more closely resemble the nature of contractual sex. Also there has been comments to the effect that if a girl enjoys being a provider that somehow she is broken and has embraced contractual sex to be "THE ONLY" type of sex to be had. I don't think I have ever met a a single provider who can be a the example for that case. Although, I have met tons of women who sincerely enjoy being a provider. What are their reasons? We all have our own reasons why we enjoy our work. Similarly to how each of you boys has your reason motivations to see us.

For me, the rewards outside of the $$$, I get fulfillment out taking pride in my talents (not as a skilled actress), the raport I build with many of my clients, that every night is a perfect occasion to dress up to the hilt, the many non-sexual business skills I have aquired, the great opportunities to travel, and not to mention the constant reinforcement that I am remarkably beautiful ( Not that I need that, but I will never have a day I look in the mirror and feel I am not beautiful)


Kids, don't try this at home
Originally posted by Saraphina
For me, the rewards outside of the $$$, I get fulfillment out taking pride in my talents (not as a skilled actress), the raport I build with many of my clients, that every night is a perfect occasion to dress up to the hilt, the many non-sexual business skills I have aquired, the great opportunities to travel, and not to mention the constant reinforcement that I am remarkably beautiful ( Not that I need that, but I will never have a day I look in the mirror and feel I am not beautiful)
It is very old news to any who have read a significant number of my nearly 5000 UG posts, but let me say again that I have met loads of providers in my 30+ years of hobbying who enjoy their work for reasons identical and/or similar (in the sense of being entirely sane and healthy) to those listed by Saraphina. I have, however, gradually come to the conclusion that this simple reality bothers many hobbyists (for reasons I don't completely understand) so much that they deny or simply don't see it.



homo economicus
And I'm sure as many posters have pointed out in at least 50,000 posts (or at least it sure felt like that) what bothered them wasn't the idea that such a provider could exist, but rather a lack of acknowledgment that such a provider would be the exception.

I mean I've met far more sex workers that were unhappy about their jobs than weren't. And of the ones that I have known that were happy, a majority of those were fairly emotionally disturbed.


Kids, don't try this at home
Originally posted by justme
And I'm sure as many posters have pointed out in at least 50,000 posts (or at least it sure felt like that) what bothered them wasn't the idea that such a provider could exist, but rather a lack of acknowledgment that such a provider would be the exception.

I mean I've met far more sex workers that were unhappy about their jobs than weren't. And of the ones that I have known that were happy, a majority of those were fairly emotionally disturbed.
I will forego estimating the number of posts in these exchanges, but right, it is basically a quantitative issue. I have (many many times) acknowledged that reasonably happy and well adjusted/healthy providers (by "reasonably", I mean that they should not be held to higher standards than apply to the population at large...lots of people are unhappy and/or poorly adjusted for a wide variety of reasons) probably are a minority but have claimed that they are far from a tiny or insignificant minority, especially among upscale indies.

We have also told each other countless times that our individual experiences may differ considerably, especially among those who typically patronize different socio-economic segments of the provider community, and that this may account for a large part of our differring perceptions.

This is like telling jokes by the numbers.

Originally posted by vorhaut
I like MISH because our bodies were designed to fit together that way. It just feels good.
Au Contrere. The evolution of mammals (which includes Homo sapiens) included the copulatory act of male mounting the female and insertion from behind. This position afforded the best survivability from predators during the act as both partners could observe their surroundings. Human females turned around only very recently in our evolutionary history but not due to any evolutionary pressure. Humans would still populate and dominate the earth if we were still exclusively doing it doggy style, though our population level and advancement might not be what it is today.

One indicator of this evolution is the woman's G-Spot. The G-Spot is on the ventral (front) side of the vaginal wall. It evolved there because a rear entry produces the greatest stimulation on that portion of the vaginal wall. That stimulation produces pleasure for the female and makes her more receptive for sex, both the current one and future acts.

Having said the above, I always prefer the mish position with her legs spread wide so I can get max penetration and with her legs crossing over my back or wrapped around my legs.
(Now I'm getting horny, let me see if I can call one of my PS girls to come over)


Kids, don't try this at home
Originally posted by justme
It's almost an obligation at this point.
Anyways, it's good to see you back.
Maybe like a ceremonial call-to-order and approval of the minutes of the last meeting before the committee gets down to its real business.

And good to cross your path again, too. Whether or not I am "really back", I don't know; drama in the Far East and other matters are keeping me too busy lately to allow much time for PMBs and other such net diversions.

BigMadM said:
I almost never do mish position with any escort.
And when I do, its only a minute, I usually dont go on with it.

My reason: Its not easy looking into the eyes, they tell so much, and most of the time, the readings are not what I want.

When Im on top of a girl, I can look right into her eyes, close up, only a few inches, and I see so many things, not imagined, but all these years, I can read the eyes.
Sometimes,(all in the past, I dont do mish anymore), with real young escorts, I see fear.(like a deer in a cars headlights) Sometimes I see the eyes wondering off in the distance, and I find that disturbing. Maybe shes seperating herself from the entire experience, or maybe shes on drugs, and the eyes drift.(glazed over eyes, I know shes on something, equally disturbing)
Sometimes, she looks right at you, and the look of disgust is just too hard for her to hide.
Sometimes, tears look like they are about to come, that always make me feel like a real man.
Sometimes, the look of real enjoyment is actually visible, and to me, an escort that enjoys her job that much is in deep trouble.
Sometimes, the look of boredom, like man, hurry up so I can watch my soaps, is not an inviting look either.
And the worst, the absolute worst experience on earth,is the one that has that cold as ice stare, little daggers stabbing you, that one makes me very uncomfortable.

So, I just rather bend them over, stick it in their ass, and if she is disgusted, icecold, or terrified, she can keep it all to herself and just act like shes enjoying it.

Some things in life, Ive decided, are not worth knowing all that well.
Geezus dude. Deep. I just don't like it because I come too quickly.
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