I'm new here, and I'm glad someone resurected this old thread, I wouldn't
have come across it otherwise. I was a fan of Diamoond Lil's, There was a kid named Kelly that was a blast.
Does anyone else remember the night shift bartender (Susie ?) , a tiny girl with a perfect bod and frequently a great tan. Still bartends, as of a year ago (WWW in Brooklyn). Never danced, AFAIK. We always tried to get her up on stage. In the same timeframe Baby Doll Lounge was a cool place to hang out.
There are two places I knew that nobody has ever mentioned, anywhere. If they had names I don't recall them;
The first place was a noname bar on the SW corner of 5th St and 2nd Ave, ground floor. You entered via an anonymous door on 5th st. On a good day there were lots of neekid girls scooting their buns along a narrow raised stage withing easy reach of the the row of us guys. SOrt of like a wine tasting. There was a pool table, topless pool was popular. There were two back rooms with mattresses. The house got $5 and everything else was negotiated. There was never any obvious security, the place was either open or is wasn't. I always had the idea that the bartenders were off-duty cops. In the 70's it could happen. The
building is still there, and the room is now a pretensious resteraunt named "Sin".
I may have gone there as early as 1975.
I was shown the place (my first live nuddie place of any sort) by a work buddy, and after that started to look at strange bars in a whole new light. I quickly found Melody (and it's descendants) , Baby Doll, and Billy's. Most recently Pussycat Lounge
was the only regular hangout, esp since Billy's closed.
The other place was a corner bar on appx Varick and Spring.
It was about the same as Lil's, lots of willing girls. I was only there there twice before it closed. This was maybe 1979. I think the block has been demolished.
I also was a regular at Mom's
and the topless place in the lobby of the Pierrpoint (or was it St George) hotel
in Brooklyn Heights. Mon's (before they
redecorated and Mom was still there) was an all-time fun place. Now it's Sweet Cherries, I think. Staten Island had some runyonesque places that I could go into but there is probably no one else here that knows them and I can't write as well Damyon, but who can.
I'm away from NYC for the last year. and I follow this board just to see what's happening to Fun City.