Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
While this has always been an issue, lately it has been accelerating so let me be crystal clear:

This website is supported by advertising. Anyone who diverts advertising dollars in ANY WAY by receiving compensation for any kind of posting (whether nakedly posting an ad, "just information," or being compensated for writing review) is diverting money from us.

We now have a zero tolerance policy. If you fuck with our money, we will fuck with you. And I have no tolerance for anyone on the service side who professes ignorance. You are the one receiving the benefit at our expense. You will share in the punishment. And I guarantee you that we will cost you orders of magnitude more business than you steal from us.

Fuck around and find out at your own risk.

Slinky Bender

The All Powerful Moderator
It's obvious some of you knuckleheads don't have a clue. Well I can keep doing this ALL FUCKING DAY LONG. So keep it up. This is like batting practice for me.